世界醫學生聯盟(International Federation of Medical Student Association,IFMSA)於8月5日開始於劍潭青年活動中心舉行為期六天的世界醫學生大會(General Assembly, GA)。醫勞小組應邀於醫學教育部門(Standing Committee Of Medical Education)幹部訓練時簡介臺灣的318運動以及醫勞小組的社會參與經驗,不但讓更多醫學生了解大規模的政治經濟制度,如何對第一線醫療人員的實作產生影響,也期許醫學生們願意投身社會參與之列。
【Debut of DRTF on the global stage】
International Federation of Medical Student Association(IFMSA) holds its six-days general assembly(GA) at Chien-Tan Youth Activity Center since yesterday(8/5/2014). Doctors’ Working Conditions Reform Task Force(DRTF) was invited to introduce about the 318 parliament occupation in Taiwan and how medical students in DRTF struggled to do something at that time.
The speech not only shed some light on how economic policies influence the health practitioners' practice deeply, but also encouraged the delegates to dedicate their lives to communal participation.
The picture shows that Doctors’ Working Conditions Reform Task Force(DRTF) gave a speech on General Assembly of IFMSA this morning.
PS. Foreign medical students were astonished at the outrageously long working hour of health practitioners in Taiwan!
世界醫學生聯盟(International Federation of Medical Student Association,IFMSA)於8月5日開始於劍潭青年活動中心舉行為期六天的世界醫學生大會(General Assembly, GA)。醫勞小組應邀於醫學教育部門(Standing Committee Of Medical Education)幹部訓練時簡介臺灣的318運動以及醫勞小組的社會參與經驗,不但讓更多醫學生了解大規模的政治經濟制度,如何對第一線醫療人員的實作產生影響,也期許醫學生們願意投身社會參與之列。
【Debut of DRTF on the global stage】
International Federation of Medical Student Association(IFMSA) holds its six-days general assembly(GA) at Chien-Tan Youth Activity Center since yesterday(8/5/2014). Doctors’ Working Conditions Reform Task Force(DRTF) was invited to introduce about the 318 parliament occupation in Taiwan and how medical students in DRTF struggled to do something at that time.
The speech not only shed some light on how economic policies influence the health practitioners' practice deeply, but also encouraged the delegates to dedicate their lives to communal participation.
The picture shows that Doctors’ Working Conditions Reform Task Force(DRTF) gave a speech on General Assembly of IFMSA this morning.
PS. Foreign medical students were astonished at the outrageously long working hour of health practitioners in Taiwan!
