

醫師勞動條件改革小組 長庚醫學二 林毅
醫師勞動條件改革小組 陽明醫學三 陳帛威



1. 住院醫師每週正常值勤時間連同延長值勤時間不得超過88小時。
2. 住院醫師每日正常值勤時間不得超過12小時,連同延長值勤時間不得超過32小時。
3. 住院醫師生理、精神狀況允許時,且符合下列情況,可以超時值勤繼續照護某特定病人。但連續值勤時間仍不得超過36小時。
4. 住院醫師兩次值勤時間中間至少應有10小時以上休息時間。
5. 住院醫師每7日中至少應有完整24小時之休息,作為例假,但因天災、事變、重大突發事件或病人病情危急致住院醫師無法完整休息者,不在此限,惟醫療機構應於事後給予補假休息。
1. 住院醫師每日正常值勤時間不得超過12小時,連同延長值勤時間不得超過28小時。
2. 住院醫師生理、精神狀況允許時,且符合下列情況,可以超時值勤繼續照護某特定病人。但連續值勤時間仍不得超過32小時。
1. 住院醫師每日正常值勤時間不得超過12小時,連同延長值勤時間不得超過24小時。
2. 住院醫師生理、精神狀況允許時,且符合下列情況,可以超時值勤繼續照護某特定病人。但連續值勤時間仍不得超過30小時。










Sweat Hospital and Medical Commercialization Cause Doctor Burnout and Patient Deprivation

Yi Lin & Po-Wei Chen (members of Medical Labor Condition Group)

The Labor Environment of Taiwan Doctors

So far, there hasn’t been any legitimate concerning the average working hours for intern and resident. In 2013, Ministry of Health and Welfare issued an executive order, Teaching Hospital Accreditation Benchmarks and Assessment Project《教學醫院評鑑基準及評量項目》, mentioned working hours and ranked working hours for residents as A, B and C three levels. Besides, the assessment doesn’t contain related working hours for interns. Compared to the regulation of working hours for residents in Taiwan, the situation is way too harsh for doctors in Taiwan. For instance, European Commission states that the maximum average working hours goes up to 48 hours with the maximum continuous working hours is 13hours.While in French, the former one is 48 hours and the latter one is 10 hours. In the UK, it would be 56 to 64 hours and 14 to 24 hours. As for Denmark, the former counterpart is 37 hours and the latter is 13 to 16 hours. In the LABOR STANDARDS LAW in Taiwan, exclusive of doctor, the working hours are 84 hours every two weeks. In Taiwan, the maximum average working hours is 88 hours with the maximum continuous working hours is 36hours in Teaching Hospital Accreditation Benchmarks and Assessment Project《教學醫院評鑑基準及評量項目》, implying that the situation still leaves a lot to be desired.

However, the assessment does come into its expected efficacy. The standards of working hours is in its trial, not having any practical power. Even when the hospitals violate the Teaching Hospital Accreditation Benchmarks and Assessment Project《教學醫院評鑑基準及評量項目》, they are still free of punishment. Moreover, the assessment exhibits an intrinsic defect. The average working hours just mentioned comes from the average total working hours of the summation of all divisions practice, while it can be noticed that working hours of divisions of different practice exist difference. Therefore, doctors working over 88 hours per week can be seen in many hospitals passing the assessment. Furthermore, a plastic surgeon from hospital numbered 15 works a whopping 150 hours a week. It is hard to imagine that with the total of 168 hours a week, this plastic surgeon only have 18 hours to take a rest. It is definitely inconceivable how long the working hour is for this surgeon. According to the research on the Internal medicine, surgery, Obstetrics and gynaecology and Pediatrics from Medical Labor Condition Group (醫勞小組), the average working hours for interns in Taiwan is 89 hours a week while it is 104 hours for residents. The research also unveiled that there is an astonishing high percentage of interns and residents working over 34 hours continuously.

Sweat Hospitals and patients’ right

“Sweat hospitals” is a long-existing problem for medicine in Taiwan. It can be resulted from the financial groups monopolizing the medical service, inefficiency of the publicness of health insurance and the incompetence of our government. Under the highly stressful conditions, doctors must be exhausted physically and mentally because of the tiredness from overworking. Researches conducted around the world have proven that continuous working and night shifts have unneglectable influence on cardiovascular diseases and other body functions. The phenomena described above are far from goodness as far as patients are concerned. The overworking of medical personnel will definitely damage the quality of medical service. In 2002, the journal, JAMA, published a research finding, Hospital Nurse Staffing and Patient Mortality, Nurse Burnout, and Job Dissatisfaction, which surveyed 168 hospitals, more than 10000 medical personnel and about 230000 patients. This research finding concluded that there is a close relationship between the total number of medical personnel and the mortality of patients. Taking every personnel caring four patients as standard, the mortality of patients within 30 days can increase by 7% if the personnel take care of one extra patient. In 2011, another journal, NEJM, also published an essay, Nurse Staffing and Inpatient Hospital Mortality, insufficient medical personnel and burnout bear relevance to the mortality to hospitalized patients. If their continuous working hours exceed 8 hours, the mortality of hospitalized patients will go up by 2%. Thus, the unexpected burnout of doctors, also as members of medical personnel providing medical service, is likely to jeopardize the rights of patients.  

        Class Oppression Accelerating Medical Collapse

          Since 1980s, distribution of medical facilities scale in Taiwan have moved toward M-shaped form. Regional hospitals vanished quickly while more and more manpower switched into big hospitals. Nowadays, over seventy percent of doctors work in big hospitals and lives on salaries paid by their boss. In order to pursue profit in highly competitive market, hospital managers (usually senior doctors) tend to adopt a interest-oriented strategy such as marketing out-of-pocket service or forcing front-line doctors to boost their service amount. Meanwhile, most of the labor burden have been laid on junior doctors such as interns and residents, which leads to long-term overtoil, putting patients’ safety in danger.

          Due to its high entry threshold and tight class structure, hospitals are usually run by senior doctors, while junior doctors are ruled by seniors and have no voice when suffering from long working hours. The only happiness of the juniors is dreaming that with time flies, one day they might get rid of all the torture and free themselves.

          Taiwan Medical Association is the biggest medical interest group in Taiwan and it plays an important role in health policy making. Nevertheless, many of its members are managers of private sectors, which means that they might prioritize profit other than publicity and lobby the government to implement a more commercializing health policy. In recent years, Medical labor condition reform group, which formed by medical students and junior doctors who pursue medical publicity, urged that doctors should be protected byLabor Standards Actbecause exhausted doctors might do harm to patients. However, Taiwan Medical Association oppose this reform because once doctors covered byLabor Standards Act, hospital managers have to recruit more manpower and the cost will rise. In addition, private sectors have multiple tricky means such as related parties transaction to lower book surplus to rationalize its claim that junior workers should share weal and woe with hospitals.

           Commercializing Risk Around The Corner

           This year (2014), the government plans to establish international healthcare industry park, boasting that the park will spur medical care, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, rehabilitative care, health enhancement and other industries. Paradoxically, there is an existing manpower shortage in Taiwan, which means that the extra manpower need in the park might further worsen the shortage and generate medical inequality. Furthermore, it is senior, skilled doctors who will get the ticket to the park and make a big fortune. On the other hand, burden on junior doctors will become heavier and heavier. Worst of all, healthcare system in Taiwan might lose its original publicity.

          Stand By Patients’ Side, Retrieve Publicity

          Overall, the overwhelming wave of medical commercialization seems unstoppable.  Pre-existing interest-oriented hospitals still make their ways, and the international healthcare industry park is lurking around the corner. However, there are many medical students and doctors who believe that medicine should not be commercialized. Therefore, we organized grassroots group “Medical labor condition reform group” voluntarily. By criticizing current system defects and unite junior doctors and medical students, we hope that we can reverse the worsening situation. We truly believe that one day, we can retrieve the publicity and proudly state that “The health of my patients will be my first consideration”!

